020 8938 3631

A successful start

Oct 17, 2017

Medical Defense Society (MDS) was created by GPs for GPs in view of the spiralling indemnity costs and our wish to provide a bespoke, high-quality service tailored to the specific needs of GPs. We have had a successful start, receiving very positive feedback from our GP members to date.

We are pleased that the government recognises the problem of GP indemnity costs and is exploring the possibility of a state-backed scheme for GPs akin to that already offered to NHS Trusts.

Having said that, all of the briefing papers disclosed to us by the Department of Health over recent months make clear that this new scheme will assist GPs in relation to clinical negligence claims only. It appears that GPs will still require separate cover in respect of the many other potential jeopardies they encounter, including GMC investigations, performers list proceedings, CQC action, inquests and more.

MDS remains open for new GP members to join and will continue to offer competitive rates and an outstanding service. Above all, we remain 100% committed to our members, who will always be our priority.