020 8938 3631

A new kind of MDO

We can help members avoid risk and respond efficiently and quickly to any professional difficulties that may arise


Advisory Service

Our experienced medico-legal advisory team are able to provide expert advice on a wide range of issues. We also offer free advice on HR and employment law matters. Our in-house team of GPs understand the challenges of modern practice and are able to offer that much needed help and support.



Medical Defense Society offers membership which includes access to legal and professional indemnity*. Our indemnity package meets the legal requirements and standards set by GMC and NHS England including a minimum cover of £10 million.


As a mutual organisation, we exist solely for the benefit of our GP members and no dividends are paid to shareholders. We are able to tailor a membership to meet your practice requirements.


Medical Defense Society will be offering ongoing learning and development opportunities including various training packages and courses to assist all our members in providing a safer medical practice to their patients.

Membership Benefits

A robust membership package for GPs.
Medical Defense Society has a variety of benefits to look after your professional interests:

Expert, personal guidance from in-house GP membership team
24-hour medico-legal helpline
Seminars, specialist training and online CPD courses

Support and advice for dealing with NHS England complaints/enquiries

Support for CQC investigations
Professional medical indemnity for claims
Expert claims handling
Legal support at GMC, NHS England or disciplinary hearings
Indemnity for Good Samaritan acts worldwide

Membership not up for renewal?

Register your interest today and we’ll remind you nearer the date

Apply online now

You can either apply online or via post.
Our membership cover is only available to General Practitioners (GPs).
All applications for membership are peer-selected and reviewed by our network of GPs in the UK.