020 8938 3631
Recognition and management of sepsis in General Practice

Recognition and management of sepsis in General Practice

Although sepsis is rare, it is a life-threatening condition and patients can deteriorate rapidly. GPs must be vigilant for signs and symptoms, and know what to do when they encounter it. When sepsis is suspected in a patient at high risk, they must be referred to...

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Telephone triage systems: how to avoid the pitfalls

Telephone triage systems: how to avoid the pitfalls

Telephone triage has been defined as ‘prioritising client’s health problems according to their urgency, educating and advising clients and making safe, effective and appropriate decisions’. It is a complex clinical skill. As GP practices moved rapidly to a ‘total...

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Reducing risk when prescribing controlled drugs

Reducing risk when prescribing controlled drugs

Updated guidance from the General Medical Council (GMC) on Good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices came into force in April, which emphasises limits on the prescribing of controlled drugs to reduce the risk of harm. This guidance is important...

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COVID-19 vaccination programme: Is the UK on track?

COVID-19 vaccination programme: Is the UK on track?

The global COVID-19 vaccine roll-out started in the UK on 8 December 2020, with a 91-year-old grandmother receiving the Pfizer/BioNTech jab at University Hospital, Coventry. Roll-out of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine followed at Churchill Hospital in Oxford on 4...

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Delivery of mass vaccination programmes during the pandemic

Delivery of mass vaccination programmes during the pandemic

Monday 9th November brought encouraging, preliminary reports that the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine provided more than 90% protection against COVID-19. Only a week later, Moderna announced efficacy of 94.5% for their COVID-19 vaccine candidate. With first results from Phase...

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Medical Defense Society – Our new look!

Medical Defense Society – Our new look!

Members of the Medical Defense Society will soon see a fresh new look and logo on our website and in our written communications. Since going live in 2017, Medical Defense Society has steadily grown in size. Now in 2020, we have firmly established our place in the MDO...

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